Sabiny Transformation Initiative

Email Us

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+256783875035 +256780836022

Our Address

Plot 7, KADFA Building, Nyerere Close off Kapchorwa - Sironko Road

Working Hours

Mon - Thur: 8AM to 5PM Friday: 8AM to 1PM


Advocate for improved standard of living of the people of Sebei Sub-region with focus on food security and women rights.

Strategic Initiatives

  • Mobilize communities to demand for trainings in improved farming methods

  • Encourage and supervise groups’ formation of women for IGA’s
  • Encourage and supervise formation of saving and credit groups
  • Monitor distribution of farm inputs
  • Demand for trainings of communities in post-harvest handling
  • Sensitize communities on the need to respect rights of women and girls, challenge bad cultural practices like FGM/C, early child marriages
  • Mobilize communities to keep the girl child in school
  • Support initiatives that promote participation of women in income generation and decision-making spaces