Sabiny Transformation Initiative

Email Us

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+256783875035 +256780836022

Our Address

Plot 7, KADFA Building, Nyerere Close off Kapchorwa - Sironko Road

Working Hours

Mon - Thur: 8AM to 5PM Friday: 8AM to 1PM

Human Rights

Build confidence among women, men, and girls in engaging public officials and institutions to respect their rights and be accountable for provision of quality and timely social services

Strategic Initiatives

  • Mobilize and build the capacity of the women/men groups to challenge human rights violations, develop resilience mechanisms and monitor government performance on its commitments and mandates.

  • Work with local and other CSO’s to facilitate and support communities to influence and meaningfully engage in decision making processes through public dialogues, Budget forums, community engagement meetings, budget conferences and hearings.
  • Support the creation and strengthening of existing leadership for women and youth at local levels to develop their confidence, build leadership and influence governance processes
  • Strengthen solidarity among women, youth, justice seekers, oversight groups and other stakeholders for common action through electronic media.