Sabiny Transformation Initiative

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+256783875035 +256780836022

Our Address

Plot 7, KADFA Building, Nyerere Close off Kapchorwa - Sironko Road

Working Hours

Mon - Thur: 8AM to 5PM Friday: 8AM to 1PM

Sabiny Transformation Initiative

“A society were gender equality and respect for human rights is a culture”.


“To promote gender equality through creating spaces for all to speak up, participate and benefit from decision making processes’’

Customer Segments
Core Values
Unity and Hard work |Faith and Prudence |Integrity and ethics | Respect
Customer Segments
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Who we are

Our Team

Sabiny Transformation Initiative has a team of staff who promote our goals and objectives

Our Approach

In our approach, therefore we will mobilise individuals to harness power within

Our Identity

Our main agenda is to promote gender equality and equity, fight for women and girl child rights,

What we do

Capacity Enhancement

Enhance the capacity of STI staff and Advisory Board for effective delivery of services

Community Mobilization

Mobilize Communities to end early child marriages and shun bad social norms such as FGM/C, Widow Inheritance and Sexual Gender Based Violence


Advocate for improved standard of living of the people of Sebei Sub-region with focus on food security and women rights


Promote good governance in delivery of social services; promote civic participation and building resilience to emerging threats in the context


Increase access to quality education and retention of boys and girls in schools with a focus on improvement on academic performance

Human Rights

Build confidence among women, men, youth and their organizations in engaging public officials and institutions to respect their rights 

Latest Activities

Activities, Blog/News

Creating a safe space for Bi-annual Mentorship and coaching elected women leaders on transformative feminist leadership.

This activity targeted 129 women leaders of all categories that`s to say; youth councils, PWDS, Women Councilors, 2 Chairpersons’ LCV, RDC Bukwo

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Activities, Blog/News, MENSTRUAL HYGIENE


The activity was implemented in the three(3) districts of Kapchorwa, Kween and Bukwo which are from the Sebei sub region targeting 300 girls from

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